Change Management That Transforms

Change Management That Transforms

What’s the Difference? You would be right to wonder just what the difference is between ordinary change and something transformative. In my view it’s not just a matter of degree. There are several reasons but it’s mostly in the nature of what was intended. It also...
Creative Stress

Creative Stress

Is This a Helpful Attribute? At a time when there are lots of people trying to do things differently and also to do different things, the concept of Creative Stress is worth considering. I’m not talking here about the creative arts – they have their own drivers...
The Lighter Side of Creativity

The Lighter Side of Creativity

A Light-Hearted Look For a change I thought it would be fun to look at some of the lighter aspects of creativity, instead of focusing on techniques and processes. So let’s break the ice. There have been any number of occasions where, working with teams, things...
Why Creativity Is So Important

Why Creativity Is So Important

What Is Normal? If you are one of those people who wonder what on earth Creativity has got to do with the management of business, then you are not alone. Received wisdom is more concerned with things like CRM or keeping costs to a minimum while maximising revenues....
A Handbook of Business Transformation

A Handbook of Business Transformation

This article is more a summary than a true handbook of business transformation which would be quite a large volume – but it will give you ideas about where to look and what to do. 1.   What is Business Transformation? Forget ordinary business change – the...