The Bankrupt Village

The Bankrupt Village

Is this a salutary tale and how can it be fixed? A Village on an Island Imagine the scene – a tiny little village on a remote island. To the visitor it looks cosy and prosperous but that is deceiving the eye. For this village of 330 people sits on an island with...
Benefits of Business Transformation

Benefits of Business Transformation

Isn’t It Self-Evident? You might imagine that this would be the case. You’ve carried out a business transformation to deal with an underlying problem or two. So presumably the benefits are getting what you wanted? Well that’s obvious but not the whole story. Likely...
More on Business Transformations

More on Business Transformations

You’ve Got the Basics Having done your homework and engaged the right people and processes, you’ve got your transformation running on rails. So now what? The simple answer is to make sure you keep those basics working well and stop the scope of activity creeping away...
Managing Business Transformation

Managing Business Transformation

12 Things to Effectively Manage Business Transformation Recognise the need Assign a Sponsor Assign a dedicated project/programme manager Build early awareness Identify cross-organisation stakeholders Include stakeholders in solution design Create a change management...