Isn’t It Self-Evident?

You might imagine that this would be the case. You’ve carried out a business transformation to deal with an underlying problem or two. So presumably the benefits are getting what you wanted?

Well that’s obvious but not the whole story.

Likely Outcomes

Here are a sample of the benefits that are likely to occur:

  •    Clarity of vision – about why you are where you are.
  •    Fewer distractions – keeping to the plan.
  •    Operational risk may be reduced – there’s a more robust operating model in place.
  •    Better focus on what really matters.
  •    More agile organisation.
  •    Improved morale.
  •    Outsiders notice.
  •    There’s an increase in productivity.

How Will You Measure Them?

It’s a good idea to have some way of measuring these impacts – even though they may seem a little abstract. So here are a few things you can consider:

  •    Check by asking your people and stakeholders. Do their responses map accurately to where you are now headed? How does this compare to the situation before you started?
  •    Make a note of the numbers of times you have to bring things back on track. You ought to expect this to be fewer than previously because you have weeded out the distractions.
  •    Look at your regular risk monitoring. Is it declining? What is changed?
  •    ”Don’t sweat the small stuff” is a useful approach. How much has this reduced since the transformation occurred?
  •    Remember how long it used to take to get things moving? What is different now? It ought to be faster, more nimble and more accurate.
  •    If people are feeling better about their workplace, then they tend to be happier and the atmosphere is more enthusiastic. What things do you notice about the way people are interacting? Is there less grumbling? What else points to the state of morale?
  •    External stakeholders are a good barometer of how you have handled things. What are they saying about you now? Is that highlighting changes you hadn’t expected?
  •    Even though this might not have been a deliberate outcome, the Hawthorne Effect will have kicked in. Is this just that or has something else boosted the productivity? If so, what is it and by how much?

What Else Has Changed?

If you have gone about transformation with an open mind then the chances are that you have also changed yourself and the people around you. The shared experience will reshape how you interact and make it a lot easier to do more and different things going forward.

People who have experienced integrating personal styles and perceptions with organisational goals and objectives do so more readily and with greater effect. It’s part of the growth mindset that tends to accompany these things.

How is the Appetite for Change?

Do you want to do more and bigger or has this been quite enough for now? Only you can answer that question. However beware of trying to be too relentless – it will burn people out.

What Else Will Improve the Benefits?

There’s nothing quite like having an open culture to improve things. The fact that people get involved and are able to challenge without fear of retribution should not be underestimated. Changes that come from within are more natural and take hold better than those that are imposed. So make it your goal to encourage this aspect and nurture it. The rewards will be plentiful.

Want to Kick the Tyres on YOUR Business Transformation?

It’s never a bad idea to have a look at what you are doing and how that is working. Of course having someone else help you to kick the tyres is also useful. Would you like to find out more about how to do that without having consultants crawling all over the place? Then give us a call and have a conversation. We look forward to helping you transform in more ways than the obvious. If you’d like more information then you can also follow this link.

Rob Wherrett can be contacted at

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