Transforming Small Business

Transforming Small Business

Transforming small business can be a minefield for the unwary – yet it offers many fruitful possibilities. So where do you begin? Where is the Focus? It’s interesting to think about where the focus lies with a small business. Do they confine themselves to a...
SMEs and Business Transformation

SMEs and Business Transformation

Isn’t Business Transformation Just For Big Organisations? From reading the literature, you’d think so. I’ve been on the research panel for McKinsey & Co for quite a few years now and when you read the material and reports it is ALL focused on big corporate. If...
Business Transformation in an SME

Business Transformation in an SME

Do you think your business transformation will be easy? Unfortunately all transformations aren’t the same – the smaller the business, the greater the challenges can be but there are advantages too. The Problems of Scale For a large organisation with thousands of...