The Lighter Side of Creativity

The Lighter Side of Creativity

A Light-Hearted Look For a change I thought it would be fun to look at some of the lighter aspects of creativity, instead of focusing on techniques and processes. So let’s break the ice. There have been any number of occasions where, working with teams, things...
People, Styles & Innovation

People, Styles & Innovation

Innovation works if every member of the team plays to their strengths. What’s the Connection? Innovation requires people to look at the existing and visualise the new or different. As a consequence the way in which they interpret the world and the context will have an...
Components of Successful Business Transformation

Components of Successful Business Transformation

What Other People on the Web are Saying PLUS 1. Recognise the Need to Change 2. Share Your Jigsaw Lid 3. Invest in the Right Capabilities and Competencies 4. Allow Enough Time 5. Authentic Leadership 6. Communicate and Engage 7. Use a Governance Framework to Manage...
Business Transformation With Limited Resources

Business Transformation With Limited Resources

Don’t have the budget or resources? Then it’s time to start asking the hard questions. We Don’t Have the Budget or Resources: It’s a common complaint, especially within SMEs when they see the sorts of costs typically associated with getting an external...
The Place for Innovation in Business Transformation

The Place for Innovation in Business Transformation

A Traditional View: Most articles you are ever going to read about business transformation only make passing reference to innovation. What they focus on are models and methods for managing a process that has an implied idea of what it is trying to produce. This is...