Myths of Online Business Transformation

Myths of Online Business Transformation

There are Two Ways to Look at This First of all we’ll consider the approaches that are offered online. Virtually all of these are incomplete methods or processes to tackle a business transformation that is in part founded in bricks and mortar. Real people at a desk or...
Should You Restart A Failing Transformation?

Should You Restart A Failing Transformation?

A Tricky Question Deciding whether to restart when things go wrong isn’t an easy decision to make. In the first instance what evidence do you have that it isn’t working as opposed to just taking longer than expected? What planning and measurement was put in place from...
SMEs and Business Transformation

SMEs and Business Transformation

Isn’t Business Transformation Just For Big Organisations? From reading the literature, you’d think so. I’ve been on the research panel for McKinsey & Co for quite a few years now and when you read the material and reports it is ALL focused on big corporate. If...