Change Management That Transforms

Change Management That Transforms

What’s the Difference? You would be right to wonder just what the difference is between ordinary change and something transformative. In my view it’s not just a matter of degree. There are several reasons but it’s mostly in the nature of what was intended. It also...
DIY Business Transformation

DIY Business Transformation

Is DIY Business Transformation Really Possible? The answer is a definite “Yes”. However I’d also qualify that by saying that in order to do-it-yourself your organisation needs to do some serious preparation. That will involve laying the foundations for transformation...
What’s Stopping Creativity at Work?

What’s Stopping Creativity at Work?

Are people really afraid to use their creative skills in the workplace?   Why This is a Dilemma There’s every reason to believe that people are frequently more creative when they are not at work. Whether that’s because they have the freedom of expression or...
Why Creativity Is So Important

Why Creativity Is So Important

What Is Normal? If you are one of those people who wonder what on earth Creativity has got to do with the management of business, then you are not alone. Received wisdom is more concerned with things like CRM or keeping costs to a minimum while maximising revenues....
The Transformation Mix

The Transformation Mix

What’s the right mix for business transformation to work? Three Big Things to Get Right I thought I’d keep this one quite simple. There are three big things to get right if you want a business or organisational transformation to work well. That said, of course you...