
SMEs and Business Transformation

SMEs and Business Transformation

Isn’t Business Transformation Just For Big Organisations? From reading the literature, you’d think so. I’ve been on the research panel for McKinsey & Co for quite a few years now and when you read the material and reports it is ALL focused on big corporate. If...

More on Business Transformations

More on Business Transformations

You’ve Got the Basics Having done your homework and engaged the right people and processes, you’ve got your transformation running on rails. So now what? The simple answer is to make sure you keep those basics working well and stop the scope of activity creeping away...

What Makes a Top Transformation Consultancy?

What Makes a Top Transformation Consultancy?

5 Things You Should Look For When you are trying to select a consultancy you obviously want the best you can afford. So here are some key things that make one consultancy shine above another. You should look at each of these in some detail and understand why they are...

Transform Your Business by Being Creative

Transform Your Business by Being Creative

What Do You Want Your Business To Be? Market leader? Trailblazer? Innovator of new products or services? Simply doing stuff so much better than everyone else that the competition can’t touch you? The most value added for customers with outstanding service? Any or some...

Business Transformation in an SME

Business Transformation in an SME

Do you think your business transformation will be easy? Unfortunately all transformations aren’t the same - the smaller the business, the greater the challenges can be but there are advantages too. The Problems of Scale For a large organisation with thousands of...

Managing Business Transformation

Managing Business Transformation

12 Things to Effectively Manage Business Transformation Recognise the need Assign a Sponsor Assign a dedicated project/programme manager Build early awareness Identify cross-organisation stakeholders Include stakeholders in solution design Create a change management...

Components of Successful Business Transformation

Components of Successful Business Transformation

What Other People on the Web are Saying PLUS 1. Recognise the Need to Change 2. Share Your Jigsaw Lid 3. Invest in the Right Capabilities and Competencies 4. Allow Enough Time 5. Authentic Leadership 6. Communicate and Engage 7. Use a Governance Framework to Manage...

Challenges of Business Transformation

Challenges of Business Transformation

The Difference Between Global And Local Large corporations, especially those that are global, tend to grow via acquisitions. The result is a patchwork of different companies and sub-groups that have evolved over time and have their own unique ways of tackling similar...

Is Strategy the Key to Business Transformation

Is Strategy the Key to Business Transformation

It isn’t necessarily strategy but the reasons for undertaking business transformation are rooted in a wide variety of causes such as changes in the market environment, technology or other things. Strategy - The Guiding Star? It’s a solid principle of business that you...

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